Read by smelling
The Olfabet is an olfactory alphabet.
Imagine that you can read words and texts just by smelling.Â
With every breath we (unconsciously) smell.Â
By linking specific scents to letters, we can expand our ability to read and learn.

An Olfactory Alphabet
Olfabet is a portmanteau of the words olfactory and alphabet.
Olfactory means ‘relating to the sense of smell’.
Innovative reading
Every letter is linked to an fragrance (scent molecule), which you can learn.
Words are formed from a combination of several odours.
And from words come sentences.
From visual text and braille to Olfalanguage
The better you learn the Olfabet, the faster you will be able to differentiate the scents and identify sequences.
Several olfactory letters form a scent accord, which can be instantly recognised as a word without having to smell the individual scents.
Olfabet is an artistic research project by olfactory artist dr. Peter de Cupere
affiliated with PXL-MAD School of Arts & UHasselt.
He is researcher at the MANUFrACTURE Research group
of the PXL-MAD School of Arts